Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Location Activity
Google Earth Content
1.Mt Mckinley
Students will read about Mt. Mckinley and learn about mountainous regions
Geographic Web, Panoramio, Weather
2.Redwood Forest
Students will read about Redwood forest and learn characteristics about forest regions, They will watch a short video http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/planet-earth-forests-redwood-forest.html
They will make observations of plant and animal found in forest regions
Geographic Web, weather, Panoramio
3.Death Valley
Students will read about Death Valley and learn about desert regions. They will have the weather layer on compare the temperature here compared to other regions.
They will also watch a short clip http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/places/countries-places/united-states/us_deathvalley.html

geographic web, weather, pananomio

4. Everglades
Students will learn about the Florida everglades and the plant and animal life found there.
http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&q=everglades&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv# and http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/man-vs-wild-everglades-camp-platform.html
Geographic web, panoramio
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:There will be a path connecting all places interest. There will also be a polygon to give borders of the desert, forest, and everglades regions

Through Google Earth I will be teaching my students about the major ecosystems found in the United States. This lesson comes from 3rd Grade Social Studies Standard 1 Objective 2: Describe the major world ecosystems (i.e. desert, plain, tropic, tundra, grassland, mountain, forest, wetland).
The lesson will begin with a discussion with the glass about the different ecosystems in the world. I will then have the students engaged in hands on activity as the explore the different ecosysems on Google Earth with the virtual tour I have created. The students will have a fact sheet they fill out that will visually organize and compare the similarities and differences between each region. Students will be allowed to work at the their own pace and explore as deeply as they would like as long as time allows.
I will be using Google earth for this activity focusing on hte terrain, and weather layers as we explore land formations. I will also use pictures that have already been posted. I will also use a path to connect the images

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