Tuesday, January 27, 2009


TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. It is a way to think about using technology to integrate into your teaching.As I have started the education program I have been learning all about what we as teachers need to teach (content) and how we should be teaching it (pedagogical). This is the first class however that I have learned how to use technology to successfully and effectively teach. As our world has become more and more dependent on technology, it is of incresing importance that the level of technological understanding for teachers increases. There is a wealth of technological resources for teachers and the classroom that will enhance learning for nearly all ages adn all subject matter. As we as teachers become more aware and proficient with the resources available to us, our ability to effectively teach curriculm will increase; we will be using our TPACK.
Each week as we have been introduced to new resources, I have become increasingly excited to be able to use these resources in my future classroom. I was never able to participate in such unique interactive learning activities such as the ones we have been exposed to. I explored many of the different resources this week but one of my favorites was the Kidsperation program. I had one class my freshman year that required us to make concept maps for all the topics we covered in class and I found it to be one of the most profitable learning activities I ever had. It required me to use higher levels of thinking and really apply my learning rather than just repeat memorized facts. This program used interactive concpets maps along with several other interactive activities to help supplement knowledge in writing, science, math, reading, and social studies. I think this would be a great program to expose children to. If they are able to use these activities to use a higher level of thinking, there learnign will be so much more meaningful for them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Web 2.0 and RSS: Cool Stuff!

I have never heard of RSS or of web 2.0 and was I in for a pleasant surprise! They are both such excellent resources and I am sure I will use them both as a teacher. RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and works by sending updated information from my chosen sites to a blog of my choice. At first I had a hard time trying to understand how to organize and set one up for myself but once I figured it out I got really excited. What a innovative idea! This resource can be an invaluable and efficient timesaver for a busy teacher. With this tool, I can keep track of my favorite resources both for me as a teacher as well as good sites for my students. Goodreads is also an especially awesome resource where I can keep track of my favorite books as well as recommend books for students and parents.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Technology Experience...or lack thereof

I have not had much exposure to technology over my lifetime. While I always remember having a computer in my home, we never had the latest model or software. I took one class in middle school and a couple classes in high school on how to operate Microsoft Word and Excel but I don't feel like I ever became proficient in either programs. I know the basics of both programs as well as basic internet navigating and searching but I feel like I have much more to learn. I'm excited to take this class and be exposed to greater technology resources as well as to enhance the skills I already have.